Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death Lawyer

The grief that accompanies the death of a family member or loved one can be staggering. When a death was preventable and caused through another person's negligence, recklessness, or violence, the futility of the loss makes the already devastating grief seem insurmountable.

If you have lost a spouse, child, or a parent in an accident, you may feel paralyzed by sadness and loss. No amount of money can compensate for your loss, and no settlement or judgment can place a monetary value on the life of your loved one.

What a wrongful death lawsuit can do, however, is to provide financial well-being for your family as you adjust to life without your loved one. It can give you a sense of justice in holding accountable those whose careless or malicious actions led to the death of an important member of your family. It cannot bring back your loved one. It cannot erase your grief. It can, however, provide you with the resources necessary to support your family and their emotional recovery.

In this emotionally trying time, bringing a lawsuit may seem like too much of a burden to add to the load you are carrying. At the Law Firm of Oklahoma, we understand the challenges you are facing, and we offer compassionate legal representation. While we aggressively pursue restitution from those responsible for your suffering, we treat you with kindness, dignity, and understanding as we help you protect your family's best interests.

Do not delay in getting the help you need. Medical bills, funeral expenses, and household expenses will not wait for you to grieve. Do not let financial strain become another burden you must bear. Call an experienced wrongful death lawyer to help you shoulder the weight.

What is Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death is any avoidable or preventable death that occurs through negligence, recklessness, or even criminal violence.

Typically, wrongful death claims arise from negligence rather than violence. Commonly, such lawsuits are the result of a fatal automobile accident, an industrial accident, or medical malpractice. They may also arise from products liability claims in which a dangerous or defective product malfunctions or causes an accident.

Wrongful death differs from murder, in that wrongful death is a civil action, whereas murder or manslaughter is a criminal action. It is important to note that a person may be held liable in a wrongful death lawsuit regardless of whether or not he or she is held criminally liable through a murder or manslaughter conviction. If a wrongful death occurs in a DUI accident or an assault, the civil lawsuit is separate from the criminal case. Whereas a criminal case is intended to punish the perpetrator of a crime, a civil lawsuit is intended to obtain financial compensation for the victim's dependents and to provide restitution for their losses.

In a criminal case, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution in order to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime. In a civil suit, the burden of proof is much lighter, and the plaintiff need only demonstrate that it is more likely than not that the defendant caused or contributed to the death of the victim. In some cases, when a defendant is found not guilty in a criminal case, the victim's family can still obtain a measure of justice and vindication when they win a wrongful death lawsuit.

Why File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

When a person is killed in an accident or through professional negligence, the surviving family members face challenging emotional and financial difficulties. A successful wrongful death lawsuit can garner a settlement or judgment that awards the family with the financial means to pay for direct and indirect costs associated with the loss:

  • Medical bills
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of income and financial support
  • Loss of benefits
  • Loss of potential earnings
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of services
  • Emotional pain and suffering

If you lose a spouse, a provider, a child, or a parent, you will suffer financial losses as well as emotional distress. A wrongful death lawsuit can provide financial restitution for monetary damages as well as a degree of compensation for the anguish you endure.

Who is Liable for a Wrongful Death?

If you have lost a loved one in a preventable accident, through violence, or as a result of medical negligence, you may wonder who can be held accountable for your loss. The best way to determine any and all liable parties is to bring your claim to an experienced wrongful death lawyer who can carefully evaluate your case.

Some parties who have been held liable in wrongful death cases include the following:

  • Reckless, distracted, or drunk drivers
  • Negligent medical professionals
  • Establishments that serve alcohol to intoxicated patrons
  • Stores that sell alcohol to minors
  • Employers that violate OSHA standards or fail to enforce safety protocols
  • Automobile manufacturers
  • Companies that design, produce, manufacture, or sell defective products
  • Individuals or organizations that allow their vehicles to be operated by irresponsible drivers
  • Pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers that fail to ensure the safety of their products

Any person or entity who, through recklessness or negligence, causes or contributes to the fatal injury of another person may be held partially or fully liable for the wrongful death.

To learn more, call (405) 608-4990 to schedule a risk-free consultation with a wrongful death lawyer in Oklahoma.

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Oklahoma City
(405) 608-4990
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